Enjoy the living culture and the beautiful landscape of the Sacred Valley of the Incas, visit its interesting archaeological sites and know more about its history. Board a train to Machu picchu, one of the new 7 wonders of the world, located in a enigmatic region, the Incas built this structure challenging its geography.
Travel through the Andes from Cusco to Puno and live an amazing day in the Titicaca lake.

  • Feel the history in every corner of the city of the Incas and admire its monumental architecture.
  • Travel to the heart of the Sacred Valley and learn about the Andean ancient technology.
  • Enjoy the most beautiful landscapes on the route to Machu Picchu.
  • Enjoy a delicious lunch with local flavors in the Sacred Valley and admire the impressive Vilcanota or Willkamayu river.
  • In Machu Picchu, the enigmatic lost city of the Incas, discover the past of this historic place and its varied and exotic flora and fauna.
  • Navigate the magnificent Lake Titicaca and live the experience with the native inhabitants of its islands.
Day 1: Arrival to Lima

Welcome to Perú!

Upon your arrival to Lima, our representative will be waiting to welcome you and take you to your hotel in Miraflores. This place is one of the most modern and charming districts of the capital and an excellent stop to rest, you can enjoy a relaxing walk along the boardwalk contemplating the Lima coast.

Overnight at Lima

Day 2: City tour in Cusco

After a peaceful night, we will transfer you to the airport for your scheduled flight to Cusco, the historical capital of Perú.

Our representative will meet you at the airport and take you to your hotel. Located at 11,151 feets above sea level, Cusco was the capital of the Inca empire and one of the most important cities during the colonial ages. Nowadays Cusco is one of the most vibrating cities in the world, surrounded by a magnificent history and culture, where people from all over the world converge and some of them fall in love and decide to stay to write a new story.

In the afternoon, enjoy a tour in the city and its surroundings visiting the most emblematic places like the Cathedral, the temple of the Sun Qorikancha, the monumental Sacsayhuaman, the mystical place of Qenqo, the temple of the water of Tambomachay and the military structure of Puca Pucara.

Overnight at Cusco

Day 3: Explore the Sacred Valley

After a restful night and a delightful breakfast get ready for and amazing adventure in Sacred Valley of the Incas. This place is known for its vast fertility and its privileged location that allowed to the ancient peruvians to understand the environment and develop the most advanced engineering and agricultural production techniques of the time.

The tour starts in Chinchero, a traditional town that keeps its andean essence, here you will learn about their ancestral textile techniques and will visit the colonial church that stands on the old palace of Tupac Yupanqui.

Continue your journey across amazing landscapes towards to the agricultural laboratory of Moray, where the Incas developed and improved their millenary farming techniques, that allowed them an incredible control of their natural environment.

After visiting Moray, you will continue to the famous Salt Mines of Maras, where you will appreciate this spectacular natural resource that has been used by the andean people since very old times. The route continues to Urubamba to enjoy a delicious meal with local flavors and ingredients.

Continue to the imposing fortress of Ollantaytambo, witness of several historic events that defined the path for the andean society, with his megalithic stones and spectacular design, this fortress had an important role in the Inca history as one of the last bastions during the resistance commanded by Manco Inca, before moving to the highlands in Vilcabamba.

From the station you will board the train to Machu Picchu Town, best kwon as Aguas Calientes. Our representative will meet you in the station to take you to your hotel and provide you details for the next day visit to Machu Picchu.

Overnight at Machu Picchu

Day 4: Machu Picchu

Wake up in middle of the mountains that surround Machu Picchu amid thick vegetation and prepare for a magnificent day touring the lost city of the Incas.

Machu Picchu was revealed to the world by the archaeologist Hiram Bingham in 1911 during his expeditions in search of El Dorado. The citadel hides within its walls history, mysticism, ritualism, greatness and secrets to be discover.

After your visit, return to the town to board the train back to Ollantaytambo, from here continue by road in company of our representative, with whom you can share your experience to this historical place.

On the route make a short visit to the Pisac market, with its artistic variety is considered one of the most picturesque in the region.

Upon arrival in Cusco, you will have free time to walk around by the city and its cobblestone streets by your own.

Overnight at Cusco

Day 5: Route of the Sun: Cusco to Puno

Early in the morning, start you journey to Puno along the spectacular Route of the Sun.

On the way visit the baroque church of Andahuaylillas, known as the Sistine Chapel of America, due to the impressive murals and art that adorn the place. Continue to the south towards Raqchi where the Wiracocha temple is located, which was constructed in the first decades of the 15th century as an oracle to the God Wiracocha, supreme deity of the Incas and the Andean world.

In the town of Sicuani, enjoy a delicious buffet lunch tasting some dishes of the local gastronomy. Then continue towards La Raya pass located at 14,222 feets above sea level which represents the territorial limit between Cusco and Puno, from this place you can admire the mountain Chimboya, where the Amazon river is born.

Before arriving to Puno, there will be time to visit the Lithic museum of Pukara, an ancient culture of the highlands that developed between 1600 BC and 400 AD.

Our representative will welcome you in Puno at the bus station to take you to your hotel and provide you information about the activities for the next morning.

Overnight at Puno

Day 6: Uros and Taquile islands

Navigate the Lake Titicaca and visit the floating islands of Uros and Taquile, here you will learn about the local culture, lifestyle and interact with the native people.

On Taquile Island, taste a traditional lunch with an exquisite seasoning and local ingredients and enjoy a relaxing experience in the middle of a unique natural landscape with the majestic Lake Titicaca in the background.

Overnight at Puno

Day 7: Return to Lima

At the appropriate time, meet your Cusco Destiny representative in your hotel lobby for the private transfer to Puno Airport for your scheduled flight.


  • Accomodation
  • Daily Breakfast
  • All transfers needed according to the itinerary
  • Private tour in the Sacred Valley with lunch
  • Private tour in Machu Picchu
  • Bus ticket to Puno - Route of the Sun with lunch
  • Private tour to Uros and Taquile islands with lunch
  • Entrance Fees
  • Assistance 24 hours


  • Travel insurance
  • Meals not mentioned
  • National or international flights
  • Tips or other personal expenses


Starting at US$ 1100 per person - Private Services

The price of this example of tour is based on 02 people sharing accomodation. Price may vary depending on accomodation, dates of travel, number of people on your party (more people, less price) and other details.



Tour Peruvian Andes

Peruvian Andes

Tour Cusco and its wonders

Cusco and its Wonders

Tour Spiritual Cusco

Spiritual Cusco